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what is css script?
it is an HPL; a Hybrid Programming Language, halfway between a DSL and a GPL
it is used to generate css shapes
it's main and original compiler is based on python
what's so special about it?
it allows the creation of css shapes with unprecedented control, elevating it to a science rather than a mere hack. it leverages unprecedented power.
do i need to know css?
no, you can use it without any css knowledge
can i add generated shapes to my site?
yes , just copy the output !
what languages inspired it?
python, pug (yes pug is a language), processing and more precisely Design By Numbers
where is the syntax going?
it trends towards the processing api / syntax


fill black
circle 10 10 100 100
circle 70 10 100 100

fill orange
circle 20 20 80 80
circle 80 20 80 80

fill black
rect 0 0 130 130

fill red
rect 10 10 50 50
fill blue
rect 10 70 50 50
fill yellow
rect 70 10 50 50
fill green
rect 70 70 50 50

fill black
text 10 135 our mauritian's flag color
text 10 145 is red blue yellow green

our mauritian's flag color
is red blue yellow green
# roundRect and var

fill #eee
rect 10 0 100 10

set height 30
set width 20
set y 10
set r 15

fill #ff6464
roundRect 10 y width height r r 0 0
fill gray
roundRect 30 y width height r r 0 0
fill #ff6464
roundRect 50 y width height r r 0 0
fill gray
roundRect 70 y width height r r 0 0
fill #ff6464
roundRect 90 y width height r r 0 0

# functions and arrows

fill orange

set x 10

+ draw_it
arrowUp x 50 30 100
arrowDown x 10 30 100

call draw_it
set x 50
call draw_it
set x 90
call draw_it
set x 130
call draw_it
set x 170
call draw_it
set x 210
call draw_it