binary means of two states. electricity can flow or not. current can be on or off. current on represents true. current off represents false. or current on represents 1 and current off represents 0. it could have been apple and pears

The Transistor as foundation

a transistor is an electronic component. it acts as switch. but the difference is that it is controlled by electricity. so, it can be switched on and off quickly

    ----- metal piece
●——-      |——-●
    -/-/-/  here acts as magnet

if you did physics, you might remember that magnetic fields are formed around any wire carrying current and coiling the wires acts as a magnet so when current is applied, the magnet is activated, attracting the metal piece, closing the switch, and current flows from the two ends ● ● summary : a transistor is used as a switch —

Logic gates logic gates form the foundation of computers, a gate is no wizardry. just arrangement of switches

the 3 basic gates are : AND OR and NOT gates

AND gate

an AND gate checks if both conditions are true for outputting true just like if x==4 and y==2 do …. it is constructed by placing 2 transistors in series

     1             2
      |           |

current will only flow from a to b if transistor / switch 1 and switch 2 is closed

OR gate

an or gate gives out true if one condition is true it is constructed by using 2 transistors in parallel

       | 1 
   a|     |b
       | 2

transistor 1 and 2

if both open -> current flows

if one open one close -> current flows

if both closed -> no current

NOT gate

a not gate just outputs the opposite of the input

current ——●————–●—–ground
                | input

when input is on / current flows, it opens the switch and current flows to ground i.e if input 1 -> no output and so 0

if no input so the switch is closed, and current deviates to output input 0 output 1 such is the NOT gate

XOR gate

a xor gate is as follows where a and b are inputs

a  b  output
1  1    0
1  0    1
0  1    1
0  0    0

it is constructed as follows

py love

testing the first case of 1 1

py love

see a XOR gate is nice !

try as an exercise the other inputs

the symbol of a XOR gate is

py love

besides these gates, there are more !

On the naming of gates

they are called gates as they control current flow just like real gates control crowd flow